Founded in 1766, Rutgers is the eighth-oldest university in the country. It is comprised of three campuses, the main one being Rutgers–New Brunswick, which has over 2,500 acres, 21 libraries, 650 buildings, and six student centers. Rutgers–New Brunswick itself is divided into five mini-campuses, each focused on a different area of study. As one of the top public research universities in the area, it has a wealth of resources for students. With over 400 student organizations, from Amnesty International to the Underground Gaming Society, there is something for everyone.
In addition to offering intellectual and cultural engagement on campus, Rutgers–New Brunswick is situated within easy access (via train, bus, or car) of New York City, Philadelphia, Boston, and Washington D.C. Its central location also attracts a number of visiting professors, speakers, and researchers to the campus each year.